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1. were a letter in the alphabet, you'd be the letter M. Why? Because my heart goes Mmmmmm.I could spend forever learning the language of your eyes, the language of your soul. every day, my every reason to smile, my every reason to exist.

7. have this unbelievable way of making even the most mundane things feel magical. unknown - except the unknown doesn't scare me as much as it did before.




1. I love you more ha words ca say.(我爱你,无法用言语表达。)

2. You’re he oly oe i my hear.(你是我心中唯一的爱。)

3. I’m hooked o you like a fisherma o a hook.(我就像渔夫被钩住了,对你无法自拔。)

4. You’re my world, my everyhig.(你是我的世界,我的一切。)

5. I wa o sped he res of my life wih you.(我想与你共度余生。)


1. You ligh up my life wih your smile.(你的笑容照亮了我的生活。)

2. I was made for you, ad you were made for me.(我为你而生,你也为我而生。)

3. You’re my perfec mach i every way.(你在各方面都是我的完美搭档。)

4. I wa o be wih you forever.(我想永远与你在一起。)

5. I love you wih all my hear ad soul.(我全心全意地爱你。)


1. You make my world a beer place.(你让我的世界变得更美好。)

2. I feel so lucky o have you i my life.(我觉得生命中有你非常幸运。)

3. I wa o wake up wih you every morig.(我想每天早上和你一起醒来。)

4. I will always be here for you, o maer wha.(无论发生什么,我都会一直在你身边。)

5. You mea he world o me.(你对我来说就是全世界。)


1. I’m o afraid of commime, I’m afraid of o havig you i my life.(我不害怕承诺,我害怕生命中没有你。)

2. I wa o be he reaso you smile every day.(我想成为你每天微笑的原因。)

3. I’m o perfec, bu I promise o always be here for you, ad love you ucodiioally.(我不完美,但我保证永远在你身边,无条件地爱你。)

4. I may o have all he aswers, bu I promise o always be hoes wih you, ad work hrough everyhig ogeher.(我可能没有所有答案,但我保证永远对你诚实,并一起解决任何问题。)

5. I may o say i ofe, bu I wa you o kow ha you’re he bes hig ha’s ever happeed o me.(我可能不常说,但我想让你知道你是我生命中最美好的事。)


