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英语长句子,写出10句句子(英语),并标明主语,谓语,宾语 句子最好长点,多写最

英语长句子,写出10句句子(英语),并标明主语,谓语,宾语 句子最好长点,多写最



写出10句句子(英语),并标明主语,谓语,宾语 句子最好长点,多写最好,




1. It was a cold winter night, and the old man was walking home from the corner store with a heavy heart. (这个句子描述了一个寒冷的冬夜,一个老人带着沉重的心情从街角的商店走回家。)

2. She had been working tirelessly for hours, carefully crafting the perfect proposal that would secure her promotion. (她已经不知疲倦地工作了好几个小时,精心制作能确保她升职的完美提案。)

3. The group of friends all shared a laugh as they reminisced about the good times they had spent together over the years. (朋友们都笑了,因为他们回忆起这些年来一起度过的美好时光。)

4. He knew that the decision he was about to make would have a profound impact on his future, and he hesitated for a moment before making his choice. (他知道他即将做出的决定会对他的未来产生深远的影响,因此在做出选择之前犹豫了一会儿。)

5. The children were delighted to discover the magical world hidden within the pages of their favorite storybook. (孩子们很高兴发现了隐藏在他们最喜欢的故事书中的神奇世界。)

6. Despite the challenges they faced, the determined team persevered and ultimately achieved their goal. (尽管面临挑战,但这个有决心的团队坚持不懈,最终实现了他们的目标。)

7. She felt a sense of fulfillment as she watched her hard work pay off and saw her dreams come true. (当她看到自己的努力得到了回报,梦想成真时,她感到一种成就感。)

8. In the wake of the disaster, the nation came together to provide support and assistance to those affected, demonstrating the strength of human resilience. (灾难发生后,全国人民团结一致,为受影响的人们提供支持和援助,展现了人类韧性的力量。)

9. His passion for music and dedication to practice had paid off, as he finally won the prestigious music competition. (他对音乐的热情和专注练习得到了回报,因为他终于赢得了享有盛誉的音乐比赛。)

10. The scientist spent years conducting meticulous research, carefully piecing together the puzzle of the origin of life. (科学家花费数年时间进行细致的研究,小心翼翼地拼凑出生命起源的谜团。)


写出10句句子(英语),并标明主语,谓语,宾语 句子最好长点,多写最好,

1.The teacher is walking into the classroom

主语:The teacher

谓语:is walking

状语:into the classroom

2.That girl is very clever.

主语:That girl 谓语:is very clever

3.The dictionary is my birthday present.

主语:The dictionary 谓语:is my birthday present

4.It is impossible to finish the work in half an hour.

主语:It(形式主语)to finish the work in half an hour(真正主语)谓语:is impossible

5.He seemed very happy that day.

主语:He 谓语:seemed very happy 状语:that day

6.It sounds very interesting.

主语:It 谓语:sounds very interesting

7.She works in a hospital.

主语:She 谓语:works 状语:in a hospital

8.She knows a little English.

主语:She 谓语:knows 宾语:a little English

9.There are two students in the classroom.

主语:two students 谓语:There are 状语:in the classroom

10.We enjoy playing football.

主语:We 谓语:enjoy 宾语:playing football


Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.(R.Peters)

To live is to function ,That is zll there is in living.(Holmes)

He who has never hoped can never despair.

You have to believe in yourself.That is the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin)

No roud of flowers lead to glory.

The course of true love never did run smooth.(Shakespeare)

If winter comes,can spring be far behind?(P.B.Shelly)



1.good faith is like a green fruit, you bite, although very bitter, but lead a person to endless aftertastes, if you give it away, will be a lifelong regret!


2.honesty is a symbol of strength, it shows the height of a person inner self and a sense of security and dignity.


3.the loss of integrity, is equivalent to the enemy to destroy themselves.


4.If a man is not clean and smooth, there is nothing he can really do about pride.


