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  Imperceptibly, what time did it go to June? There were many festivals in June. There were children's day on June 1, father's day. I don't know if Father knows what father's Day is. Let me tell you, father's Day is on the third Sunday in June, and that is all the fathers of the world.


  On father's day, all sons and daughters or wives will celebrate for their father. Let me tell you something about what happened on father's day!


  I still remember that father's Day happened to be Tuesday. Our school came out early. It was at 4:30. I went home early. When I saw my mother was busy tidying up, I asked her what she was tidying up. My mother said, "today is father's Day! I will arrange the atmosphere at home. When your father comes back from work, you can have a happy mood I also want to come and help me. Let's surprise your father together. Do you know? "In fact, I knew that it was father's day in the morning, because the teacher told us several days earlier, and I had already prepared a gift for my father. I said, "OK! No problem!" I helped my mother decorate the house. After a while, it was six o'clock again. My father was coming back soon. My mother and I finally finished decorating. My mother immediately went to cook my father's favorite dishes. When the doorbell rang, my father finally came home from work. I went to pick him up and saw him. I told him at the first time, "happy father's Day!" my father smiled and said, "silly child! What a coincidence." we had a very happy father's day with my father under the arrangement of my mother and me!

