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For you, a thousand times over.“千百万遍都是为了你”——《风筝跑者》(《追风筝的人》)

2. to be or not to be,that is a question“生还是死,这是个问题”莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times“这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代”——狄更斯《双城记》

4. tomorrow is another day.“明天就是明天”——《飘》

Land is the only thing in the world worth working for,worth fighting for,worth dying for. Because it’s the only thing that土地是世界上唯一值得为你工作、战斗、牺牲的东西。因为它是唯一永恒的东西。)

Whatever comes, I’ll love you,just as I do now. Until I die.(无论发生什么事,就像现在一样永远爱你)——《飘》

7. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us,我爱你.《飘》

8. it is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be“有钱的单身男性一定会想娶老婆,这是全世界的常识。”——《傲慢与偏见》是吧?

《简爱》:If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me,as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talkingto you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities,nor even of mortal flesh:it is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal - as we are !如果上帝给我财富和美丽,我就像你很难离开我一样,现在我也很难离开你。神不是这样做的,我们的灵魂是平等的`,就好像我们两个人走过坟墓,站在神的脚下,彼此平等——本来就是这样!”

Frankly,my dear, I don>t give a damn。坦白地说,亲爱的,我不在乎。(《飘》)

11. Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer。


12.是"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"“不管我们的灵魂是由什么组成的,他的灵魂和我的灵魂是一样的。”勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》。

13.是"But soft !What light through yonder window breaks吗It is the east and Juliet is the sun" -是"“嘘!”是。那边的窗户闪着什么光?啊,那是东方,朱丽叶是太阳!”莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》

14. "When you fall in love,it is a temporary madness. it erupts like an earthquake,and then it subsides and when itsubsides,you have to make a decision. you have to work out whether your roots are become so entwinedtogether that it isinconceivable that you should ever part"“爱情是一时的疯狂。就像地震一样,它爆发了,然后又消失了。当它消失的时候,你必须做出判断,你和他是否已经融为一体,无法分开。”李上尉的曼陀林。”

15. All for one,one for All .全体为一人,一人为全体载大仲马《三剑客》

16.The furthest distance in The world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of youYet you don>t know世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你作者:泰戈尔《泰戈尔诗集》

17. Don“t cry because it is over, smile because it happened不要为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为了你的曾经。——托马斯布朗英文诗Love

18. No man or woman is worth your tears,the one who is won>t make you cry!没有人值得你的眼泪真正值得的人不会让你哭泣。-托马斯布朗英文诗Love


after all,tomorrow is another day


gone with the wind



1、是Shall I compare thee to a summer>s day吗?

Thouart more lovely and more temperate。




2、Tomorrow is always fresh

with no mistakes in it yet。



3、From the ashes a fire shall be woken,a light From the shadowsshall spring;[renewed] shall be blade that was broken,the crownless again shall be king。



4、And when wind And winter harden.All the loveless land,It will whisper of the garden,You will是understand。



5、I can“t go back to yesterdaybecauseI was a different person then。我已经无法回到昨天,因为我已经和昨天不同了。


